Is your personal money situation borderline anemic? Do you typically find that you run out of money before the end of the month arrives? Time-tested tactics that have brought good results for so many others might work for you. Many working adults are surprised at how homeownership can enhance their bottom line. Refinancing an auto, personal, or student loan is another technique that has a high potential for bringing financial relief to people in all income brackets.
The good news is that there are plenty of strategies and methods that make sense for those who need a boost in the money department. One way to improve budget planning is to use national averages for categories like grocery purchases, discretionary spending, rent, etc. Plus, joining a wholesale club and getting serious about using coupons are two more ways to score a home run against inflation and improve financial health at the same time. Review the following suggestions before taking action to revise your monthly budget and keep more of the money you earn.
Invest in Real Estate
The most common and easiest way for working people to invest in real estate is to purchase a home. It’s no secret that millions of adults do so every year, but what are the main reasons they pursue the goal of owning their own homes? Foremost among the incentive to buy a house is the tax benefits. There are numerous itemized deductions available to you when you acquire real estate in the form of a residence and the land on which it sits.
The approach is part of a wise investment for sure, but many are not aware of all the tax advantages involved in the process. If you’re considering acquiring a home, be sure to look through a helpful guide that lists all the potential deductions for owners, along with several that investors can use. When the time comes to file federal income taxes, use the guide to save money by leveraging the power of being a real estate owner.
Explore the Benefits of Refinancing
It’s easy to overlook the potential benefits of refinancing an existing loan agreement. While most know about mortgage refinancing, not as many understand the finer points of extending auto, personal, and student loans. For consumers who have decent credit scores, getting a refi is a relatively straightforward process that can be done entirely online. In most cases, borrowers end up with lower monthly payments, more favorable interest rates, more time to pay, and other benefits.
Keep Credit Usage Below 30% of Limits
If you have a $2,000 limit on a charge card, aim to keep the balance as close to zero as possible. If you do carry a balance, strive to stay below 30% of the total allowable amount. In this case, that would be $600 (2000 x .3). Why that amount? The major credit bureaus use it as a benchmark for scoring. Consumers who use less than 30% of their limits tend to have higher scores than those who exceed the amount. Of course, the ideal situation is to pay off all balances each month to avoid accruing interest.
Photo by Jason Briscoe on Unsplash