‘We Can Make Voting Rights About Money’
Browsing: Elections
Eric Adams, a Former Cop, Leads the Pack in the Contest to Take the New York Mayor’s Office New York…
Watchdog Panel Was Neutered in Trump Era; Biden Can Pick Two New Commissioners
Financial Loses Bolster Dominion Damage Claims Against Fox News, Giuliani and Others
A Panel Long Noted for Its Bi-Partisan Oversight of Intelligence Operations Devolved into Warring Camps Over the Trump-Kremlin Conspiracy
New York State Considers Adopting a Controversial Tough-Screen Vote-Counting Machine
Consider Canada’s Simple, No Drama National Elections vs. the Complicated Hodge-Podge in the U.S.
State Election Officials Have Known for Years that Voting Equipment Used in Many Counties Is Too Easy to Hack
Raising Some Questions about the Voting Machine Company Behind So Many Surprise Wins This Year
What to Watch for When the House and Senate Meet to Review the Electoral College Votes