Interior Secretary Ryan Zinke is reviewing 27 national monuments and oceans preserves with an eye to opening them to energy companies.
Browsing: Environment
The giant open-pit project will produce 90,000 tons of ore daily and 1.25 billion tons of waste.
For years, Senate Republicans stalled Obama’s nominees and left 129 vacancies for Trump to fill.
‘In his long career taking advantage of the revolving door of special interests, Bernhardt has always sided with big business.’
Thousands protested the Trump administration’s anti-environmental agenda.
Trump and the Republicans want to open national monuments for development.
Mainstream party candidates are routed. The candidate of the ruling Socialist Party got less than 7% of the vote.
Trump wants to kneecap the Environmental Protection Agency and the National Institutes of Health.
Meanwhile, thousands of activists and scientists are descending on Washington Saturday to rally for environmental causes and government policies rooted in scientific research.
The move puts the burden of tackling the climate adaptation squarely on individual states.