What the Republicans’ Tax Bill Really Means for People Like Us
Search Results: DAVID CAY JOHNSTON (120)
Republican Lawmakers Are in a Tax-Cutting Frenzy
Because You Are Writing Him a YYUUGGE Tax-Refund Check
Trump Proposes a $1.1 Billion Tax Cut…For Donald Trump
As Mueller Focuses on the Former Campaign Manager, Trump’s Go-To Smear Sheet Publishes Sex Scandal Story
But Trump loves the Senate Republicans’ healthcare bill.
His one-sheet plan includes ending the tax that snared him in 2005.
Crowds gathered in Washington, New York, Chicago, Los Angeles, San Francisco and elsewhere.
Opinion GUN VIOLENCE: Amid Blame, Where’s Parental Responsibility?January 20, 2023 Russia Interview: U.S. Lieutenant General Ben Hodges On Russia’s Lack…
[vc_row][vc_column][vc_column_text] Although DCReport only launched on February 2, 2017, it has already broken major investigative stories. TRADITIONAL MEDIA IS TAKING…