Also: Trump’s Budget Doesn’t Add Up, He Insults France’s First Lady and Rowdy Foodies Take On the ‘Orange Fool’
Browsing: Budget
Trump and Congress Target a Key Bank Monitor Set Up to Stop Another Financial Crisis
We do the math: Trump says the economy will grow 4% a year, but White House numbers crunchers don’t agree.
Republicans target safety-training program for workers in dangerous jobs.
The Pentagon gets a big raise, the rich get big tax cuts and the rest of us get shafted.
It’s not just Obamacare. Trump’s first major budget proposal will include massive cuts to Medicaid and other anti-poverty programs.
That Rose Garden lovefest between Trump and House leadership may have been a bit premature.
Throwing meat to religious radicals, the White House is about to OK discrimination against the LBGTQ community.
Fourteen positions that require Senate confirmation are vacant. Six Obama holdovers are still in place.
He wants a 31% cut for EPA, its smallest budget in 40 years.