It Could Take Another Decade to Clean Up an 11-Million-Gallon Crude Leak Officially Reported as Just 10 Gallons
Browsing: Environment
Bureau of Land Management Stacks the Deck Against Preserving the Shrunken Protected Area
Bureau of Land Management Weighs Plan to Extract ‘Frac Sand’ and Millions of Gallons of Water from the Region
Living Amid Old Storage Wells at Risk of Leaks
Forest Service Weighs Plan to Lay Waste to Tens of Thousands of Acres of Old-Growth Trees
The Mississippi River Commission OK’d Dumping Trillions of Gallons on Polluted Water into the Sea
And the U.S. Is Incapable of Even Discussing the Climate Crisis, Much Less Addressing It
Going Underground to Foul the Pacific and Undercut the Clean Water Act
$800 Million Plan Includes an Electronic Barrier Just 50 Miles from Lake Michigan
An Internal Investigation Is Looking at a Quietly Approved Copper Mine Near Lake Superior