Foreign Governments Exploit Our Dysfunctional Politics Congratulations to the Republican members of the House of Representatives. The lunatic fringe has…
Browsing: House of Representatives
We’re seeing plenty of retribution politics even in the first day after the ouster of Kevin McCarthy as Speaker of…
Gaetz, Far-Right Republicans Push Out McCarthy At once, the ouster of Kevin McCarthy out of the House Speaker’s job is…
She Started Out in Politics to Better Represent the Asian-American Community. Thirty-Five Years Later, She Continues To Fight Against Hate…
These Republican-led Committees Are as Much Interested – If Not Dominated – By a Desire To Embarrass As with all…
It All Seems Like Reason To Turn off the Television, Skip the News and Hope That They All Stop Talking…
There Is Almost No Substantial Floor Debate The new Republican majority in the House has started in earnest, with votes…
A rule we exposed six years ago is back When Republicans regained control of the House, they immediately renewed their…
Second in the line of presidential succession after the vice president, the speaker of the House occupies a central role…
“Kevin McCarthy is enlisting his big money allies to cut a deal to make him speaker.” The conservative advocacy group Club for Growth announced late…